Saturday 27 March 2010

Entertainment industry - time to move on

The industry claims about loss due to copyright infringement are ridiculous, they include,

Objective fallacy - industry ridiculously exaggerates the problem

Lost sale fallacy - you cannot pretend that each infringement is a lost sale

Causation fallacy - industry blames its failures on infringement, but there is little evidence. There are many many reasons why they are in failing

Innovation fallacy - infringement does not destroy jobs or discourage innovation

Equivalence fallacy - you cannot lump all types of infringement together into one "evil" bucket

Theft fallacy - infringement is different from theft

Silo fallacy - industry talks about loss in CD sales but not about growing sales of live performances and other parts of the business

Relevance fallacy - using aggregate data to set policy and distorting the issues


The NetCoalition and CCIA conclude,

"The solutions to the real and perceived problems the disruptive technology of the Internet has caused for certain entertainment and luxury goods companies cannot be solved by greater government intervention or by shifting more costs to Internet companies. Rather, the solution lies in the evolution of business models to adapt to the new realities of the marketplace."

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