Wednesday 2 April 2014

Britain is NOT Great


A few examples in Europe: University Education is largely free, there are lower levels of income equality, there is much higher use of renewable energy, there is much larger ownership of key portions of the economy...


Most English are against privatisation, but the government is roaring ahead with it.

4th most unequal country in the developed world

Pay has fallen faster, in the last 3 yrs, than the EU

Work 3rd longest hours for 2nd lowest wages

3rd highest housing costs

Highest train fares

2nd worst in fuel poverty

Least happy children

Higher infant mortality rate

Worst child poverty

4th poorest pensioners

8th biggest pay gaps men/women

Cost of child care MUCH higher

Wealth gap 2x as wide as EU

16% below productivity of advanced economies

40% of all western privatisations are in UK

Most un-democratic government (first past post, unelected Lords). Giving lowest trust in politicians

Not investing in the future (except HS2 which no one wants!).

Just flogging off assets to suck wealth into un-productive London based black holes.

London is now the centre for money-men over making things. And they truly rule the political agenda, not us

Britain is NOT great, it is very, very sick.

Is it surprising the Scots want out?

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