What does it mean? It means that we have already released 1020Gt of CO2 into the earth's atmosphere, 380Gt since 2009. But the most important graphic is the black one, this is the amount of CO2 we can emit before the temperature of the earth goes up above the 2C limit set by governments and scientists as a "tipping" point, beyond which things will get rather unstable.
The details of what will happen as the temperature rises are show below.
Not so easy to read this small print, but in essence nasty things start to happen above 2C, such as
1. Sea levels rise by 1.04m
2. Amsterdam city gets drowned
3. European heat waves
4. +15% more destructive hurricanes
and so it goes on.
I guess you don't like the idea of that?
Action we need to take, boom & bust
The problem is that Oil companies and Coal companies and Gas companies list already known reserves much bigger than the CO2 we can emit before we reach 2C (745Gt). And there is a huge estimate of further reserves (2050Gt) which they believe can be found and used.
So what is the reality behind these reserves? That they are worthless, if we want to stay within 2C. The biggest bubble of all time, with severe financial consequences if these companies don't write off these reserves and stop all the billions they are pouring into finding more.
Just to confirm the bust is coming soon, at the current rate we use fossil fuels of 31Gt/year we have just 13 years remaining before total collapse, or rising above 2C with the attendant consequences.