Monday 30 January 2012

Learning Google Sketchup 3D software

Ok so these are my notes as I do the Google Sketchup training…

Google sketch up uses lines and surfaces.

1 A set of closed lines make a surface

Lines and surface

2 You can infer the position of a point to help in lining them up. Click on the start point (green), hover over a point you want to align with (top black), then move to the place you want to end (bottom black). A dot will appear when the new line is aligned with the hover point.

Infer a point

3 When you are on a line your position is shown by various coloured dots.

Green is an end point of a line

Green end point

Cyan is a mid point of a line

Blue midpoint

Red is any other point on the line

Red on line point

4 Draw new constructs to or from existing edges, do NOT draw across other sides


Screen Shot 2012 01 30 at 13 39 35


Screen Shot 2012 01 30 at 13 40 52

5 To make 3D object, you draw a 2D one and pull/push it out.

Screen Shot 2012 01 30 at 13 42 53

This can be done with any surface, they can be pushed in (for example to cut a shape out, or pulled out to create a new 3D solid. For example the back surface could be pulled out and an arc added on top:

Screen Shot 2012 01 30 at 13 45 09

6 To make a solid a specific size when pulling it out, start the pull, release the maous then type in the size (10', 10", 10cm, 10m). It will snap to this size.

Screen Shot 2012 01 30 at 13 48 59

7 You can use inferring to make one thing the same size as another. You draw the first a specific size (see 6), then start to pull out the second, then move your cursor to the face on the first where you will get a blue dot, then click.

Screen Shot 2012 01 30 at 13 51 22

8 You can cut opening in a solid by drawing a shape on a side, then pushing it out.

Screen Shot 2012 01 30 at 13 58 35

9 You can move objects and edges. Select them, then chose the move tool, then move.

Screen Shot 2012 01 30 at 14 01 12

Here the back top edge has been selected then moved down to create a sloping ceiling. And then the whole object has been selected and moved left across the axes. There, that is all for now.

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