Thursday 24 January 2013

Hotting up the debate

So let's wind up the debate, and put Cameron and his Conservative rebels in place.!!

What has the EU done for us?

1 Provide 57% of our trade

2 Provide structural funding for areas of deprivation

3 Clean up our beaches and rivers

4 Clean up our air

5 Mandate lead-free petrol

6 Place restrictions on landfill dumping, leaden got better re-cycling

7 Fight to get cheaper mobile phone charges, especially pan-EU

8 Develop cheaper air travel

9 Improve consumer protection and food labelling

10 Ban growth hormones and other harmful food additives

11 Mandate better product safety

12 Promote single market competition, leaden got improved quality and better industrial performance.

13 Break up monopolies

14 Give us Europe wide patent and copyright protection

15 Remove need for papers work for export throughout the EU

16 Provide price transparencies and remove commission on currency exchange

17 Give us freedom to travel, live and work across borders (not travel in/out of the UK as we haven't signed up to the treaty)

18 Funds for young people ego live, study or work abroad

19 Access to EU health services

20 Labour protection and enhanced social well fare

21 Smoke-free work places

22 Equal pay

23 Holiday entitlement

24 Right to work maximum of 48hours/week without overtime

25 Strong wild life protection

26 Improved animal welfare

27 EU-funded research and industrial collaboration

28 EU representation on world forums

29 EEA block negotiation within the WTO

30 EU diplomatic afforest to avoid nuclear proliferation

31 European arrest warrants

32 Cross border policing, counter terrorism, and intelligence

32 Civil and military co-operation in conflict zones

33 Investment across Europe to balance and improve everyones life

Is that enough to stop the clowns who demand we get out of Europe? How many of these things did the clowns propose themselves?… very few.

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