Hardware wiring:
The latest code is:
// This is my second go at the one wheel robot. Sigificant program parts are: // 1 lots of defines to set parameters, hope to make the code easier to understand later // 2 LED show the chosen steering direction, for no particular reason other than pretty // 3 servo angles set it to centre, and R or L // 4 when a random direction is chosen for forward or reverse, it is biased to the centre // differently for fwd or rev. bigger number = more bias towards chosing centre direction // 5 velocity is set, but in reverse it is reduced // 6 the robot goes forward for a time, then choses a random direction, so as to "roam" around // 7 if the sonar detects a crash then it backs out either R or L but not C // 8 a couple of settle times are used to stabilise the operation against hardware glitches // 9 if it comes across a white place then it stops (parking place!), waits for 10sec then gos off straight #include "Servo.h" #include "NewPing.h" // piezo pin #define PIEZOPIN A3 // LED pins #define GREENPIN 2 #define REDPIN 1 // light detector pin #define LIGHTPIN A4 #define DARK 500 // sonar pins & max distance (above this returns 0) #define TRIGPIN 5 #define ECHOPIN 4 #define MAXDIST 100 // RobotShield driver pins for motor A #define MOTORADIRPIN 8 #define MOTORASPEEDPIN 6 // servo pin #define SERVOPIN A5 // steering positions #define STEERCENTRE 85 #define STEERLEFT 115 #define STEERRIGHT 55 // random direction bias towards straight(0), 1-3 = left(1), 4-7 = right(2) #define BIAS 15 #define REVBIAS 10 #define CENTRE 0 #define LEFT 1 #define RIGHT 2 // crash detect distance (cm) #define CRASH 15 // drive speeds (0 - 255) and directions #define FWDSPEED 130 #define REVSPEED 130 #define STOP 0 #define FWD 1 #define REV 2 // various timings (msec) #define FWDTIME 500 #define REVTIME 2000 #define SETTLE 50 #define PARKTIME 10000 Servo steering; // create servo object NewPing sonar(TRIGPIN, ECHOPIN, 100); // create NewPing object, max 100 cm away unsigned long ms, pms; // =================SETUP================ void setup() { // define I/Os pinMode(GREENPIN, OUTPUT); // LED pins pinMode(REDPIN, OUTPUT); pinMode(LIGHTPIN, INPUT); pinMode(TRIGPIN, OUTPUT); // sonar pins pinMode(ECHOPIN, INPUT); pinMode(MOTORADIRPIN, OUTPUT); // motor pins for direction and speed pinMode(MOTORASPEEDPIN, OUTPUT); pinMode(SERVOPIN, OUTPUT); // servo pin // connect servo steering.attach(SERVOPIN); // seed random generator randomSeed(analogRead(A0)); } // =================LOOP================ void loop() { // wander about long cm; unsigned int dir; // if find white parking place then stop if(analogRead(LIGHTPIN) < DARK) { drive(STOP, STOP); delay(PARKTIME); steering.write(STEERCENTRE); // go off straight while(analogRead(LIGHTPIN) < DARK) { // go until off white area drive(FWD, FWDSPEED); } } // check for obstacles, if none go forward cm = sonar.ping_cm(); // get distance (cm), convert us to cm, 60us/cm is roundtrip speed of sound delay(50); // at least 50usec between sonar pings if(cm == 0 || cm > CRASH) { // no obstacle in CRASH distance out to MAXDIST (returns 0) drive(FWD, FWDSPEED); // go forward ms = millis(); // change direction if more than FWDTIME has passed if(ms > pms + FWDTIME) { dir = randir(BIAS); // save direction chosen, based on BIAS, for use in choice of reverse direction below pms = ms; } } // obstacle found, reverse away else { if(dir == LEFT) steering.write(STEERRIGHT); // if dir was L then R else if(dir == RIGHT) steering.write(STEERLEFT); // if dir was R then L else while(randir(BIAS) == CENTRE); // if was centre set to only L or R drive(REV, REVSPEED); delay(REVTIME); // for a time } // loop stabilisation settle time delay(SETTLE); } // chose a random direction, returns direction chosen, lights LEDs int randir(int limit) { int x, result; digitalWrite(REDPIN, LOW); // LEDs off digitalWrite(GREENPIN, LOW); x = random(1, limit); // random direction if(x < 4) { steering.write(STEERLEFT); digitalWrite(REDPIN, HIGH); // red LED on result = LEFT; } else if(x > 3 && x < 7) { steering.write(STEERRIGHT); digitalWrite(GREENPIN, HIGH); // green LED on result = RIGHT; } else { steering.write(STEERCENTRE); result = CENTRE; } delay(SETTLE); return result; } // drive forward at vel 0-255, cmd = 0 STOP, cmd = 1 FWD, cmd = 2 REV void drive(int cmd, int vel) { switch (cmd) { case 0: // stop analogWrite(MOTORASPEEDPIN, STOP); break; case 1: // fwd digitalWrite(MOTORADIRPIN, HIGH); break; case 2: // rev digitalWrite(MOTORADIRPIN, LOW); break; } analogWrite(MOTORASPEEDPIN, vel); // set speed }I have the thought to put in some sound generation, maybe the pip, pip, pip when reversing. This would be done by connecting a piezo transducer to A3 output and using the "pitches.h" library and tone() function.
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