Bluetooth JY-MCU module (Hobby Components) HC-06 module
BT Module HC-06 BT Name: see below Pwd: see below Baud rate default 9600Can be “slave” only as based on HC-06 module.
TXD is the data received from remote
RXD is the data to send to remote
BT module configuration
Do not pair before running this sketch, in order to send AT commands BT red LED must be flashing.
Set name to GanymedeBT (or whatever you want), PIN to 0000, baud rate to 9600 using AT commands below:
/* BT module configure BT flashing send AT+NAMEGanymedeBT send AT+PIN0000 send AT+BAUD4 (9600) connections Arduino BT 5V PIN 2 (VCC) GND PIN 3 (GND) 10 PIN 4 (TXD) 11 PIN 5 (RXD) */ #include "SoftwareSerial.h" #define RXPIN 10 #define TXPIN 11 SoftwareSerial BT(RXPIN, TXPIN); // create class BT void setup() { Serial.begin(9600); // start USB BT.begin(9600); // start BT } void loop() { if (BT.available()) { Serial.write(; // echo from BT } if (Serial.available()) { BT.write(; // write AT command to BT } }
Then on a Mac OSX computer System > Preferences > Bluetooth. “GanymedeBT” will be detected and can be [Pair]ed.
Serial Test BT
Use CoolTerm to transmit/receive BT module, and Serial Monitor to receive/transmit back.
Echo test BT. Data sent on Serial Monitor to BT and back to CoolTerm, and CoolTerm back to Serial Monitor
Arduino BT 5V PIN 2 (VCC) GND PIN 3 (GND) 10 (RXPIN) PIN 4 (TXD) - data transmitted from remote 11 (TXPIN) PIN 5 (RXD) - remote to receive this data
- load sketch - System > Preferences > Bluetooth "GanymedeBT" Pair - CoolTerm > Options, select GanymedeBT serial port - open IDE serial monitor
#include "SoftwareSerial.h" #define RXPIN 10 #define TXPIN 11 SoftwareSerial BT(RXPIN, TXPIN); // create BT class object void setup() { Serial.begin(9600); // init serial BT.begin(9600); // init BT } void loop() { if (BT.available()) // if BT OK { Serial.write(; // read from BT, write to USB } if (Serial.available()) // if USB OK { BT.write(; // read USB, write to BT } }
Another Bluetooth project
This project uses the Morse generator
morseEnDecoder.hto output morse to an LED. The messgae to send are received by Bluetooth from the iMac.
1 System > Preferences > Bluetooh 2 Pair the GanymedeBT module 3 Open the terminal app and enter: screen /dev/tty.GanymedebT-DevB 4 The terminal app will clear the screen and now act as a terminal, morse messages can be sent by typing them on the KB 5 Alternatively the CoolTerm app can be used. Options > Serial Port > GanymedeBT-DevB and Options > Terminal > Key Emulation > CR. Disconnect after use.
// morse sender - flash LED on 7, could be a relay /* connections Arduino BT 5V PIN 2 (VCC) GND PIN 3 (GND) 10 (RXPIN) PIN 4 (TXD) - data transmitted from remote 11 (TXPIN) PIN 5 (RXD) - remote to receive this data - load sketch - System > Preferences > Bluetooth "GanymedeBT" Pair - CoolTerm > Options, select GanymedeBT serial port */ #include "MorseEnDecoder.h" #include "SoftwareSerial.h" #define WPM 5 #define LEDPIN 7 #define RXPIN 10 #define TXPIN 11 morseEncoder morseOut(LEDPIN); SoftwareSerial GanymedeBT(RXPIN, TXPIN); // GanymedeBT class object in Arduino long lastTrans; long current; boolean ended = true; void setup() { pinMode(LEDPIN, OUTPUT); GanymedeBT.begin(9600); morseOut.setspeed(WPM); lastTrans = millis(); } void loop() { current = millis(); morseOut.encode(); if(GanymedeBT.available() && morseOut.available()) { char text =; GanymedeBT.write(text); // echo if(text == '\r') GanymedeBT.write('\n'); // when CR received addcq cq cq m6kwh NL morseOut.write(text); } if(!morseOut.available()) { lastTrans = current; ended = false; } }
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