A Project
A Project is a folder that will contain all your files - schematic drawings, board layouts etc
- At the Control Panel, right click on Projects and chose "New", name the project.
Then repeat and chose "Edit Description" and give your project a description.
With your Project highlighted,
- File > New > Schematic.
- Click on the "Grid" icon top left and switch it On.
Now you can add the Devices to your schematic.
- Edit > Add, will open a window showing all your available Libraries of devices.
Find the one you want and click "OK"
- Add this to your schematic, position it and click. You can repeat the additions if you need more of the same Device, to exit hit ESC.
Add the other components you need, I used the "rcl" library for the resistors (To rotate a component hit CTRL-R)
Now wire up the schematic
- Draw > Net (do not use Draw > Wire as this only draws lines, not connections!). Click on the points you want to wire up.
Wires on your schematic can be given Names, and Eagle will connect all those with the same name, for example "GND" or "VCC", "IN" or "OUT"
- Edit > Name, select the wire and enter a Name.
Text can be added to the schematic to record the wire names
- Edit > Text, enter the name and add to the schematic, ESC to do another name, ESC ESC to exit
You will want to give your components values.
- Edit > Values, click on each component and enter its value (e.g. 4k7)
That's it. Next time I will complete the design and turn this schematic into a board layout.
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