The course was a grand success and sparked a renewed interest in building amateur radio equipment, and so it will now be expanded and extended.
The target is to build a number of Arduino shields to give amateurs a basis for discovering construction and operating at QRP levels in many different modes - under software control. The shields and modes are:
Building in stages a Universal VFO, an SDR receiver followed by an SDR transmitter and LPF. With operating modes for WSPR propagation beacons, QRSS low power slow morse, CW and SSB. The bands to be covered are 40, 30 or 20m. Further boards may be developed in the future for example a PA and LPF.
The course signup is by July 30, then proceeds in 8 weekly sessions in September/October 2015 at the club headquarters in Banbury. Meetings are to be held every Tuesday evening 19:00 starting Sept 8.
If any non-members of BARS wish to take part, they should contact the society (see web site), society membership will be essential for the course.
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