The output of the AD8307s is fed to the analog A0 & A1 inputs of an Arduino Nano microcomputer. I used an OLED display I have worked with many times, and show just the Forward Power as a bar graph and the VSWR.
The circuit board showing the Transformer, two AD8307s and the Nano
The board and the OLED display
My VFO which outputs 1-60MHz at -10 to +10dBm
The loop antenna I used for testing - the Wonder Wand - The tuning on this is VERY sharp to get a low VSWR, I tested it here on 40m.
I have yet to calibrate the SWR meter, which can be done in software, but it is giving somewhat sensible readings.
Code - Updated V2
This uses a header file I wrote myself which defines a number of displays, for example the Bar graph and the Ultra-large numbers. This header (listed at the bottom below) calls up the open source U8G2 library.
// SWR_2 V2.0 // 18-4-12 Calibrate mWFwd with Power Meter, re-write bar length calculation. //HEADERS & LIBRARIES #include "Oled.h" // CONNECTIONS // Fwd & Ref analog in, transformer ratio #define FWDIN A0 #define REFIN A1 #define TRANSRATIO 10 // PARAMETERS // note AREF is nominally +3300mV. RF in 22V=10W, 10:1 transformer, AD8307 in 2.2V=20dB #define AREF 3204 #define AMAX 1023 // intercept (dBm), slope (mW/dB), bridge impedance, // bar display scale, transformer ratio (dB) #define INTERCEPT_FWD -87.0 #define INTERCEPT_REF -88.0 #define SLOPE_FWD 25.0 #define SLOPE_REF 25.0 #define IMP 51.0 #define BARSCALE 100/20 #define TRATIO 20.0 // GLOBAL VARIABLES // for display function double bLFwd; double vswr; void setup() { analogReference(EXTERNAL); // oled init, sets I2C addr to 0x3C oled.begin(); } void loop() { int inFwd, inRef; double mVFwd, mVRef; double VrmsFwd, VrmsRef, dBmFwd, dBmRef, mWFwd, mWRef, vRatio; // read inputs FWD & REF // is about 1.5-2.5V, calibrate with INTERCEPT value inFwd = analogRead(FWDIN); inRef = analogRead(REFIN); mVFwd = (double)(map(inFwd, 0, AMAX, 0, AREF)); mVRef = (double)(map(inRef, 0, AMAX, 0, AREF)); // calculations for display dBmFwd = (mVFwd / SLOPE_FWD) + INTERCEPT_FWD + TRATIO; // in doubles mWFwd = pow(10.0, (dBmFwd / 10.0)); // in double, out double, 0dBm = 1mW mVFwd = sqrt((mWFwd * 1000.0) * IMP); // in double, out double dBmRef = (mVRef / SLOPE_REF) + INTERCEPT_REF + TRATIO; // in doubles mWRef = pow(10.0, (dBmRef / 10.0)); // in double, out double, 0dBm = 1mW mVRef = sqrt((mWRef * 1000.0) * IMP); // in double, out double // calculatio for bar graph, forward power bLFwd = (dBmFwd * BARSCALE) - 100; // tbd 20-30-40dB, 0.1W-1W-10W // calculation SWR vRatio = mVRef / mVFwd; vswr = ((1 + vRatio) / (1 - vRatio)); delay(200); // helps to slow display flicker dispUpdate(); } // PICTURE LOOP void dispUpdate() { oled.firstPage(); do { dispMsg(50, 0, "SWR_2"); // prog name dispMsgS(0, 28, "PWR"); // bar title dispMsgS(20, 15, "100mW 1W 10W"); // bar scale if (bLFwd < 5 || bLFwd > 95) { dispBar(20, 28, 5, 0); // blank bar dispMsgL(30, 38, "No Input"); // no input } else if (vswr > 10) { dispBar(20, 28, 5, 0); // blank bar dispMsgL(30, 38, "SWR > 10"); // too big } else { dispBar(20, 28, 5, bLFwd); // bar value dispNumUL(40, 38, abs(vswr), 2); // always display as positive } } while (oled.nextPage()); }
// Oled.h // V2.0 18-4-5 added UL numbers // defines oled pins, creates "oled" object for 128x64 SH1106 display // fonts // HEADERS & LIBRARIES #include "U8g2lib.h" #include "Wire.h" // OBJECTS // oled object, SH1106 controller, 128X64, HW I2C and normal orientation R0 U8G2_SH1106_128X64_NONAME_1_HW_I2C oled(U8G2_R0); //FUNCTIONS // BAR // display bar at x, y, h)eight, l)ength (0-128 pixels) void dispBar(u8g2_uint_t x, u8g2_uint_t y, byte h, byte l) { byte n; oled.drawFrame(x, y, 100, h+1); for ( n = 0; n < l; n++) { oled.drawLine(x + n, y, x + n, y + h); } } // FREQ // display freq at x, y, f (Hz) plus cf (cHz), d)ecimal places (max 3) void dispFreq(u8g2_uint_t x, u8g2_uint_t y, double f, double cf, byte d) { oled.setFont(u8g2_font_10x20_tf); // font oled.setFontPosTop(); // origin top f = f / 1000.0; cf = cf / 100000.0; oled.setCursor(x, y); oled.print(f + cf, d); oled.print("kHz"); } //MSG // display small message at at x), y), *m)essage void dispMsgS(u8g2_uint_t x, u8g2_uint_t y, char *m) { // sets font, cursor position and displays message oled.setFont(u8g2_font_5x8_tf); // font oled.setFontPosTop(); oled.setCursor(x, y); oled.print(m); } // display message at at x), y), *m)essage void dispMsg(u8g2_uint_t x, u8g2_uint_t y, char *m) { // sets font, cursor position and displays message oled.setFont(u8g2_font_7x13_tf); // font oled.setFontPosTop(); oled.setCursor(x, y); oled.print(m); } // display large message at at x), y), *m)essage void dispMsgL(u8g2_uint_t x, u8g2_uint_t y, char *m) { oled.setFont(u8g2_font_10x20_tf); // font oled.setFontPosTop(); oled.setCursor(x, y); oled.print(m); } // display ultra large message at at x), y), *m)essage void dispMsgUL(u8g2_uint_t x, u8g2_uint_t y, char *m) { oled.setFont(u8g2_font_logisoso30_tf); // font oled.setFontPosTop(); oled.setCursor(x, y); oled.print(m); } // NUM // display number at x), y), n)umber (double), d)ecimal places void dispNum(u8g2_uint_t x, u8g2_uint_t y, double n, byte d) { oled.setFont(u8g_font_7x14); // fix font for now oled.setFontPosTop(); oled.setCursor(x, y); oled.print(n, d); } // display number large at x), y), n)umber (double), d)ecimal places void dispNumL(u8g2_uint_t x, u8g2_uint_t y, double n, byte d) { oled.setFont(u8g2_font_10x20_tf); // font oled.setFontPosTop(); oled.setCursor(x, y); oled.print(n, d); } // display number ultra large at x), y), n)umber (double), d)ecimal places void dispNumUL(u8g2_uint_t x, u8g2_uint_t y, double n, byte d) { oled.setFont(u8g2_font_logisoso24_tf); // font oled.setFontPosTop(); oled.setCursor(x, y); oled.print(n, d); } // DATE // display date void dispDate(u8g2_uint_t x, u8g2_uint_t y, byte dw, byte da, byte mo, byte yr) { oled.setFont(u8g_font_7x14); // fix font for now oled.setFontPosTop(); oled.setCursor(x, y); switch (dw) { case 1: oled.print("Mon"); break; case 2: oled.print("Tue"); break; case 3: oled.print("Wed"); break; case 4: oled.print("Thu"); break; case 5: oled.print("Fri"); break; case 6: oled.print("Sat"); break; case 7: oled.print("Sun"); break; } oled.print(" "); oled.print(da); oled.print(" "); switch (mo) { case 1: oled.print("Jan"); break; case 2: oled.print("Feb"); break; case 3: oled.print("Mar"); break; case 4: oled.print("Apr"); break; case 5: oled.print("May"); break; case 6: oled.print("Jun"); break; case 7: oled.print("Jul"); break; case 8: oled.print("Aug"); break; case 9: oled.print("Sep"); break; case 10: oled.print("Oct"); break; case 11: oled.print("Nov"); break; case 12: oled.print("Dec"); break; } oled.print(" "); oled.print("20"); oled.print(yr); } // TIME // display time HH:MM:SS at x), y) void dispTime(u8g2_uint_t x, u8g2_uint_t y, byte h, byte m, byte s) { oled.setFont(u8g_font_7x14); // fix font for now oled.setFontPosTop(); oled.setCursor(x, y); if (h < 10) oled.print("0"); oled.print(h); oled.print(":"); if (m < 10) oled.print("0"); oled.print(m); oled.print(":"); if (s < 10) oled.print("0"); oled.print(s); } // display time HH:MM:SS at x), y) void dispTimeL(u8g2_uint_t x, u8g2_uint_t y, byte h, byte m, byte s) { oled.setFont(u8g2_font_10x20_tf); // font oled.setFontPosTop(); oled.setCursor(x, y); if (h < 10) oled.print("0"); oled.print(h); oled.print(":"); if (m < 10) oled.print("0"); oled.print(m); oled.print(":"); if (s < 10) oled.print("0"); oled.print(s); } // STEP // display step at x) y) s)tep void dispStep(u8g2_uint_t x, u8g2_uint_t y, unsigned int s) { oled.setFont(u8g_font_7x14); // fix font for now oled.setFontPosTop(); oled.setCursor(x, y); switch (s) // display freqStep { case 10: oled.print(" 10Hz"); break; case 100: oled.print("100Hz"); break; case 1000: oled.print(" 1kHz"); break; case 10000: oled.print(" 10kHz"); break; case 100000: oled.print("100kHz"); break; case 1000000: oled.print(" 1MHz"); break; } }
hola mi nombre es Ariel EA3ATS de Barcelona EspaƱa y quisiera saber como subir al ide de arduino tu libreia "olde.h" por que lo he intentado varias veces y no lo se hacer por lo demas todo ok
schematics please
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