Friday 12 June 2020

GPS 10MHz Frequency Standard

I followed the blog post of PA2OHH and programmed my GPS module to output a 10MHz pulses, in place of the normal 1pps.

Use the UBLOX Windows software (better you go to their web site and download the latest?), install it. 

First you must connect your GPS module to an FTDI Serial RX & TX to USB converter. Remember TX <-> RX and RX <-> TX.

As an alternative PA2OHM uses a programmed Nano to make a UART, and you could too using the sketch SERIAL+UART here. But using a low cost FTDI converter is much simpler.

Now open the UBOX software. First you must connect to your GPS module by selecting the correct COM port. Go to the menu Receiver > Port and select it (mine was COM10). Immediately the software will wake up an start to display graphics GPS data. Now chose View > Configuration View and you will get this window

Change the parameters like this,

Now hit the Send button lower left to program the GPS. The GPS PPS output will immediately to output a 10MHz signal. I checked this on my ELAD FDM-DUO SDR, which turned out to be 6Hz low!

In CW mode with 500Hz bandwidth

My SDR is 6Hz low!

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