Wednesday 18 November 2020

More Mac Big Sur chaos WSPR

So WSJT-X does not work on OS 11, Big Sur. It returns the famous Memory Error. WSJT-X uses a shared section of memory to swap data between its waterfall and the control windows. On previous versions of Mac OS (e.g. Catalina) the standard OS amount of shared memory was about 7MB, but WSJT-X needed 14MB.

The shared memory could be increased by changing the memory size in a file called /etc/sysctl.conf. But on Mac Big Sur this file is no longer present! And so far I have not discovered what replaces it. (Never fear, see below)

I guess eventually the WSJT-X development group will solve the issue, but until then I will use my Mac Mini which still runs Mac OS Catalina and runs WSJT-X perfectly. As well as Parallels to run Windows programs.


See a later blog post for an installation solution that worked for me

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