Tuesday 19 April 2011

What about the AV voting system?

Here's a few of my thoughts on the subject of the proposed AV voting system which will be decided by referendum on May 5th.

A new kind of government?

One of the background issues which we need to think about is how to turn our government from backward, firefighting, just massaging complex social issues after a criminal or dispute shock... to a kind of government which is a ahead of the curve in instituting those things we care about. We need an opposition which contributes, not just tries to find ways of shooting the government down.

We need core values underpinning everything. We need a focus on policies that make us happier and richer, not on bickering and in-fighting.

We need a vision driven government, who gets things settled before they become entangled, or cost a fortune or stimulate street riots. More a government of consensus, bottom up opinion gathering feeding central policy making.

How could we do this?

Well one of the steps is by changing our electoral system, to get more open thinkers, a wider range of skills into parliament. To bounce out the pathetic old stooges who haunt the chamber and make aggrandising, but totally un-contributory speeches ("In my day...", "I am opposed..."), replacing them with people who think and contribute ("I checked back with my constituents and...", "For this reason I believe we should...", "Why not let's try it this way?", "Let's ask people again and get some clear views...")

We need to get these better skills in power by forcing us, the public, to better evaluated the people standing, as people. With AV we will have to do this because we have to rank them based on their personality and know-how, not just rely on voting for a party, no matter who is elected. Often politicians think that they are elected because they have personally convinced the government of their ability, but they have in reality hidden behind the 'manifesto' and 'party' monica.

Just think about your MP, does he have the skills needed today, is he young, active and widely knowledgeable. Or is he the old foggy that has been conservative candidate for 25 years and has probably got left behind by today's issues and decisions? Has he any new ideas, or is he just a mouth peice for the leadership and manifesto?


We can hope. Hope that AV may bring about more free votes in parliament, less rigid party politics, less slave following of the manifesto, less reliance on whip driven voting. The current coalition is in some way pointing the way forward.

In other words we need a much wider range of candidates and more free voting.

As you can guess I will be voting "YES".

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