Monday 27 June 2011

New contest: Germany 1 ECB 1 Greece 0 Banks 0

Well now some light is dawning. France is getting its bank to reschedule the Greek loans (the credit agencies say this is tantamount to a default, but there...). The ECB is asked to take over the loans. Now that's a good idea. In fact what I suggest is that every country's loan above 60% of GDP is taken over by the ECB, who then raises money from other countries, or prints it... (60% is the figure everyone was supposed to respect when the euro was launched, but which a few, most notably Greece totally ignored). That may even the score and underline that the future of the euro is more important than the impact of profligate countries to exceed their borrowing capacity. It may also make the stupid banks sit and think as they are way over extended in their sovereign loans.

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