Tuesday 19 July 2011

Good use for a custard pie?

Like thousands of others I have spent the afternoon watching the commons committee grilling James and Rupert Murdoch. What a farce! These two say about just about everything "It wasn't me" (Rupert) or "I wasn't there" (James).


This newspaper has done little except mud slinging for years. They do not impartially report news at all. They openly admit they seek to act as unofficial policemen and expose and condemn people. They think there job is to promote opinion and change society and the law.

They have little morality themselves, they think they can go anywhere (trespass), do anything (phone hacking, blagging, computer hacking...) provided they get a "story" for the front page.

They are not fit to run a company, they are salacious and make a living on the susceptibility of people for gratuitous thrills and a blame culture.

It is clear that they still do not accept that the "buck stops here". They rely on the police, who failed, on the PCC, who failed and on lawyers, who also failed. But they try to get out of their responsibilities by blaming these bodies, then contritely saying they are doing everything to assist with enquiries, while making none of their own. Ridiculous.


Neither Murdoch seem to know what is or was going on. Rupert took the high ground, pretending he sets the agenda for behaviour in NotW: no to illegality, no to intrusive investigations, stand up for freedom of the press. But when it came down to it, no personal responsibility, "it was someone else that did it m'lord". And James is just processes, hiding behind his departments, his lawyers, the police, but allowing "anything goes" provided it is not found out.

This has been going on, and maybe other red tops are behaving the same, we shall see. But it is not the press and newspapers we need or deserve in UK.

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