Friday 5 March 2010

Digital Economy Bill

"This is civil terror."

So says a commenter on the OpenRightsGroup forum about the Digital Economy Bill.

The whole part of the bill concerning any form of blocking of internet access must be dropped.

We demand our freedom to communicate.

If anyone is breaching copyright in those communications then it is a matter between the infringer and the copyright holder, pure and simple. Nothing to do with the internet as a channel of communication. Nothing.

There is no difference between the internet and a Xerox machine. No one is suggesting to block the sales of Xerox machines because one person makes a copy of a copyright document!

The current copyright laws are perfectly sufficient to allow rights owners power of redress for copyright infringement.

Then there is the business issue.

In the day and age of the internet, it is up to the copyright owners to take better care and control over their works. It is up to them to promote and make available those works in a way that promotes their business but does not inhibit my freedoms.


The music industry says they loose £200M/year in UK due to illegal downloads. This is just
5% of sales of £3.6B (2008)...

BT says cost to ISPs will be £365M/yr to issue warnings

Government estimates it will cost £500M and 40,000 people will be forced off line at a time when they are on the other hand encouraging Digital Inclusion


There is a petition at 10 Downing street

Go sign it

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