Friday, 16 April 2010

"I agree with Nick" the new Labour slogan

There is no doubt that Nick Glegg won the debate last night.

As a matter of interest here's how it opened

Nick Clegg

I believe the way things are is not the way things have to be.

Gordon Brown

These are no ordinary times, and this is no ordinary election.

"I agree with Nick", later became the slogan of the Labour party...

David Cameron

I think it's great we're having these debates, and I hope they go some way to restore some of the faith and some of the trust into our politics, because we badly need that once again in this country.


Sadly none of them talked about bigger things like freedom and human rights, neither did they admit to the disastrous state of our finances (remember £850B government debt, increasing by £500m per day, £1000B personal debts). Talking about £6B here and £12B there is peanuts against the crisis we face.

Clegg is right. The Lib Dems do have good ideas on how to fix the country. But they missed a point or two about repealing many of those more than 4000 new laws Labour have introduced, mainly to force social engineering on us, not to give us freedom.

But Brown is wrong. He got it wrong to bail out the investment banks, business and people would have benefited more if the banks went bust and the Bank of England simply took over lending.

Cameron was a wash out. This reflects the continuing differences of opinion within the Conservative party. They are old, fusty and out of touch, not new and invigorating. They are a better alternative to another 5 years of Labour's shenanigans, but only just.

A Conservative + Liberal Democrat hung parliament, getting rid of the whip system is probably the nest we can hope for...

I remind you of the financial issues






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