Then there is this ingenuous leaflet...
[Images Guardian, April Fools day]
1 Labour have been 13 years promoting individuals and the country as a whole to get into the most appalling debt. Personals debt is now £1300bn for mortgages, £340bn for credit cards and £867bn government debt. We pay £30bn taxes a year just for interest on this government debt.
And a lot of that debt is money given to failed banks.
If we were not in this position we could have withstood easily any so called banking crisis, in fact if Labour had managed the economy correctly we would have much more productive industry, a lot less unnecessary public spending and banks that we are in control of.
So "Securing the recovery" is frankly bullshit from those that promoted the crisis to happen in the first place.
2 Raise family living standards. What a joke! Their idea is to get us more dependent on the state, take away our autonomy, make us irresponsibly relying on on state aid... get us into more personal debt... not provide us with productive jobs, but buying everything `(Cars, Wind Turbines, Tanks, Nuclear Power stations...) from abroad. And so on. A complete mismanagement of our affairs, there is no way that the remaining 40% of people in a job can support 60% on handouts or in the public sector.
3 There is no sign that UK has any hi-tech economy. Almost every invention we make is exploited in the USA or China. There are no policies to reverse that. It is indescribibly difficutl to startup a new company today because of interference of the local councils, lack of credit, and red tape.
4 Protect front-line services. Right, except that the NHS has been asked to cut spending by £11bn, and the Universities are also being cut back by £900M. Schools are being swamped by target setters, and not allowed to teach what they believe pupils need.
5 Strengthen fairness... what the hell does that mean? The only thing Labour is doing is strengthening dependence on hand outs.
An alternative?
What the Conservatives are saying is "Big Society in, Big State out" and they are right, we don't want any more of this paranoid bully. Treason even comes to mind.
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