Gordon Brown did it.
The UK has been raped in the last 13 years by this man and his completely failed philosophy and government.
Public debt today is rising by £448M per DAY. In four years it will have risen to £1400B.
And this will cost every household in UK £60 per WEEK just to pay the interest, not even the huge debt itself, and not even to pay to stop it rising further...
But what are we seeing in the election? Politicians that will not face up to reality. Cameron says he can save one-off £12B, but this is the amount by which the debt goes up every month. Brown says he can save £0.5B by efficiencies in the NHS, but the debt rises by that every day.
WE need to get real and face facts. We have a government debt of £800B to pay off, plus we have personal debts (mortgages, credit cards) of more than £1000B. We cannot pay it. We do not have enough productive jobs, public sector workers (and the banks) do not generate wealth they spend it (or lose it). We need to get back our industry which has halved in the last 10 years. And we will need to enormously tighten our belts.
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