Thursday 29 April 2010

Look again at CO2

The UK carbon foot print is going down, but why and how?

1 Switch from coal to gas for electricity generation

2 Off-shoring of our manufacturing and pollution

3 The recession


What we are not doing is attacking our astoundingly bad housing stock and getting it both insulated and energy generating.

But what we are also still doing is indulging in cheap fly-away holidays, and by the way the number of two car families has DOUBLED since 2007.

Rail and bicycle are increasing, but we make ony 2% of journeys by bike compared to Germany's 10%.

And though we recycle more, we do it by land fill, not incineration.

The bottom line is we get only 2% of our energy from renewables! Just about the lowest in Europe.


1 Home insulation is being tackled

2 Wind and wave power is increasing and being subsidised

3 Low carbon industry and electric transport are being promoted

4 High speed rail is being thought out as an alternative to local flights, but some want a thrid runway at Heathrow...

5 Some people want nuclear (built by the French) some do not. The argument goes on...

Here's the "who's being a bad boy" carbon chart of the world from the Guardian. The UK has a pretty big black blob compared to our size and population.


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