Saturday 12 December 2009

And more about some country's CO2 reduction offering

This is from the Guardian, it shows the current offering at the conference in Denmark...
Screen shot 2009-12-12 at 13.46.33.png

Clearly the position of China is absurd (INCREASE CO2!!!) and there are lots of variations, you would think they could get their numbers on a level playing field, wouldn't you?

I suggest a simple way, first spreadsheet to list Mt CO2 reduction by country, the total to be what they scientists say is needed to keep the world's temperature below 2℃ - keep negotiating until we get there.

Then another spreadsheet with the costs, and the offer of each country towards the total needed.

Third a final spreadsheet allocating the money to who needs it, both for ameliorating the effects of global warming + the cost of implementation.

Job Done.

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