Thursday 28 January 2010

Tomorrow - the iPad newspaper

First let me say I am a strong supporter of a product like the iPad, in fact I love the idea of the iPad. Both from the point of view of a book-like computer, but also because of Apple's superb implementation of touch interface technology.

But what has to be sorted out is the structure of the newspaper industry in offering news on such a product.

1.On the one hand some seem to want the entire newspaper so they can browse and pick what to read. Just an electronic version of the printed one.

2.Others may want to have profiled news (i.e. what they like) only to be sent on a personalised basis. With the possibility of feedback/comments.

3.Others may like the current model where some background editor choses what to put on the web versions and what to leave off (e.g. as one person put it, where are the comments).

Whatever model is adopted I think we have to understand that the internet disaggregates the business, what I receive is the writing of specific journalists, directly. And what I want to do is to pay them directly, not as a blanket monthly sub. It is this micro-payment system that needs looking into. Together with a sensible way for me to personalise my news, and yet sample a wider scope freely.

The advertising model has also to be defined. If what I receive is personalised, probably I should agree also to my profile being used to direct advertising at me?

So yes the iPad can revolutionise the newspaper. But there are other weightier matters to resolve first, by itself it is after all just a browser.

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