Thursday 18 February 2010

I support "Reason to Buy"

Reason to Buy is a mantra of the web site "techdirt", look them up on Google you will learn a lot about media company shenaghans.

To paraphase one of their postings:

Surveys show that lots of people would pay for media (news, music, magazines...) if it was easy to do, this attitude does in no way justify the industry's approach of:

"shut down The Pirate Bay"

"kicked file sharers off the internet"

"pass three strikes legislation"

"increased enforcement"

"beef up copyright laws"...

If you realise how many people are actually paying for media (quite a low number) versus the number that would be willing to, the reason is not copyright infringement or unauthorised file sharing, but that the producers of the media don't know how to give people a valid reason to buy their product.

The media companies are living in a world which did not need a better business model. Just create an artificial shortage (like a locked CD/DVD delivery chain) with a small number of distributors and people had no choice but to buy.

This is not the case today because of the internet.

But the media companies have the mistaken approach to the internet, first swamp it by promoting music on multiple channels, and then start complaining when this doesn't work and ask for legal action against the freedom of the net...

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