Thursday 2 June 2011

This is the broadband problem, BT

A recent survey in Oxfordshire, where moves are underway to improve broadband across the county shows the current status:

Screen shot 2011-06-02 at 18.44.28.png

And that just about says it all, Oxfordshire is a broadband backwater. 54% get only 1Mbps.

Moreover other reports show that 90% of Oxfordshire is linked only to BT exchanges, so if anyone is to do anything about our poor broadband service it is BT.

We need a couple of simple goals

1 Minimum 2Mbps for everyone, target 10Mbps.

2 Do it by 2013. Installation and delivery just like electricity, sewage, telephone and all other services.

So we need to but a boot up the backside of BT to get a decent service. Every effort I have made to talk to BT about this has simply met a brick wall, they are a company that could not care less about its market (as it has a monopoly) and couldn't care less about its customers.

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