Tuesday 14 February 2012

Management is what the NHS wants

The NHS does not need to be "privatised", this is just a way to pour more public money into the hands of insurers and bankers.

The NHS is a "company" today and can run on company lines. If it is not performing then it is not the financial structure that needs reform, nor outside pressures, it is the internal management skills and structures.

The government, and especially that clown Landsley, should be looking at this and stop his threats and unwanted, unnecessary reforms.

The very first thing to look at is customer service. From a welcome at the door, to a proper treatment inside, to a happy departure and follow up. My experience of these aspects of the NHS leaves a great deal to be desired. If you can fix this then tackle medical progress and spending next, and give the technical part of this into the hands of doctors, but keep a firm handle on the costs. Progress has to be made, but costs have to be balanced against what can be achieved.

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