Saturday 21 December 2013

Send Morse code over Bluetooth

Here's the code to send morse over Bluetooth

// morse sender - flash LED on 7
Arduino       BT
5V            PIN 2 (VCC)
GND           PIN 3 (GND)
10 (RXPIN)    PIN 4 (TXD) - data transmitted from remote
11 (TXPIN)    PIN 5 (RXD) - remote to receive this data

#include "avr/pgmspace.h"
#include "MorseEnDecoder.h"
#include "SoftwareSerial.h"

#define WPM 5

#define LEDPIN 7
#define RXPIN 10
#define TXPIN 11

morseEncoder morseOut(LEDPIN);

SoftwareSerial GanymedeBT(RXPIN, TXPIN); // GanymedeBT class object in Arduino

long lastTrans;
long current;
boolean ended = true;

void setup() {
  pinMode(LEDPIN, OUTPUT);
  lastTrans = millis();

void loop() {
  current = millis();
  if(GanymedeBT.available() && morseOut.available()) {
    char text =;
    GanymedeBT.write(text); // echo
    if(text == '\r') GanymedeBT.write('\n'); // when CR received addcq cq cq m6kwh NL
  if(!morseOut.available()) {
    lastTrans = current;
    ended = false;

To use this pair the module, then use the terminal"screen device" command to talk to it, or use the CoolTerm program.

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