Sunday 22 August 2021

How I got WSJT working under MacOS Big Sur

First download the latest version of from 

Then execute the ".dmg" file, this will open the install page. Drag the WSJT app to your apps folder. Then open the Terminal and do this: 

1. List long the file supplied on the download volume

ls -l /Volumes/WSJT-X/com.wsjtx.sysctl.plist

-rw-r--r--@  1 antonywatts  staff  543 28 Mar 12:53 /Volumes/WSJT-X/com.wsjtx.sysctl.plist

As you can see it has the "@" marker indicating special attributes, and has the wrong owner and group. The file as needed in /Library/Daemons is

-rw-r--r--  1 root  wheel  543 21 Aug 15:18 com.wsjtx.sysctl.plist

2. Copy the file to the correct location

sudo  cp  /Volumes/WSJT-X/com.wsjtx.sysctl.plist  /Library/LaunchDaemons

it has special permissions set - as seen by a '@' after the mode, as well as the wrong owner and group

-rw-r--r--@ 1 antonywatts staff ...

3. After copying the file to /Library/LaunchDaemons both issues must be solved. First change your directory

cd /Library/LaunchDaemons

and list the files using

ls -l

where you will see the things that are wrong with the .plist: the "@" and the wrong owner and group

4. Remove the special permissions "@"

sudo xattr -c com.wsjtx.sysctl.plist

and check that is has gone with another

ls -l ...

5. Set the correct owner and group

sudo chown root:wheel com.wsjtx.sysctl.plist

The result should be

-rw-r--r--  1 root  wheel  543 21 Aug 15:18 com.wsjtx.sysctl.plist

6. Now restart your Mac and check the settings with

sysctl -a | grep sysv.shm

If shmmax is not shown as 52428800 WSJT-X will fail to load with an error message: "Unable to create shared memory segment".  And you have to fiddle around a bit more.


I just bought a new Apple MacBook Air (M1 chip). On this the installation went more smoothly. I copied the com.wsjtx.sysctl.plist file across to /Library/LaunchDaemons (see #2 above). It arrived with right owner and group and no special permissions, and then I restarted the MacBook Air and the sysv.shm value had correctly been  updated.

So WSJT is right at least for new MacBooks.


Anonymous said...

Thankyou.. i will try this later, i don't boot into Mac OS Big Sur too often, i prefer my MBP just booting up into the (now) default Debian instead, i just assumed WSJTX would run on Big Sur, i guess i should go back to Mojave where all my software just worked.
I only use FT8 in RX mode, and as the sunspots are coming back i want to get FT8 decoding on any OS - so i can see where the activity is hiding on 6m :)


Perplexed said...

WSJT-X v. 2.60 gives me the error message: "unable to create shared memory segment" running OS 12.5.1 Monterey. Is there a fix to this issue?