Sunday 21 March 2010

We need to discuss civil liberties

Taken from an article by Simon Heffer in the Guardian (16-3-10). Because I believe he is right.

We need to discuss civil liberties.

Liberal means individual autonomy, that boarders on the spiritual. As humans we can decide for ourselves what is valuable and shape our lives accordingly.

Labour since 1997 has created a state that is more and more authoritarian, therefore more unpleasant to live in. Areas where Labour has tried to proscribe activities have gone astray: for example Harriet Harmon's equality laws, using the law to level off inequality, because people do not take responsibility for themselves!

There has to be a recognition of personal responsibility in order to have an autonomous life. This is the real problem of the government's attitude - it does not believe in personal responsibility and doesn't like autonomy.

They have created 4300 new offences since 1997! Many of these are absurd. This shows an insatiable hunger for control.

Fortunately so far we do not have...

- ID cards & database
- DNA database
- laws preventing comedians telling jokes about religion
- rejected jury trials

... these and many other things have been discussed by Labour, and show a certain cast of mind. Don't they?

And we are discouraged from having opinions. Our autonomy has been removed on moral and ethical issues. We are muzzled from expressing them.

Labour's insane view on life is that we should eliminate equalities and compensate those that don't have them! This is done at the cost of autonomy. Of letting people decide what is valuable in their lives.

We are Regulated, Policed, Restricted more than ever before. Politicians think that office is about power to prevent, not to enable. To restrict without liberty. To control behaviour.

Individualism and autonomy are held in contempt.

That is why Labour must not win the election.

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