Thursday 13 March 2014

Playing with FFT

I have worked super hard to try to get an FFT going. With somewhat disappointing results? I have looked at a number of FFT code libraries for the Arduino. but found only one that is implementable on the Uno (8bit code). This is "fix_fft". Here's my setup (with a 1kHz sinewave input), the audio lines are the Yellow (GND) and Green (SIGNAL at 0dB)

2014 03 14 10 26 08

The audio input to the Arduino is on A0, with bias at the mid point by 10K to GND and 10K to +5V. In this example shown here the input is a sine wave of 1kHz from the program Signal Inspector running on my iMac. The full range of the code displays a maximum up to about 4kHz.

Hint: Google "u8glib" and "fix_fft", then put them both in your Arduino "libraries" folder.

Here's a photo of the display with a 500Hz square wave input. You can see the fundamental and the harmonics at x3, x5 & x7.

2014 03 14 15 45 53


#include "U8glib.h"
#include "fix_fft.h"

#define EN 13
#define RW 11
#define CS 10

// display set up, bar, line position L & R
#define LINEY 50
#define LINEXL 0
#define LINEXR 128

#define SAMPLES 128

#define AUDIO A0

U8GLIB_ST7920_128X64_1X lcd(EN, RW, CS); // serial use, PSB = GND

char im[SAMPLES];
char data[SAMPLES];
int barht[SAMPLES];

void setup()
  lcd.begin(); // inti display
  lcd.setRot180(); // flip screen

void loop()
  static int i, j;
  int val;

  // get audio data
  for(i = 0; i < SAMPLES; i++)
    val = analogRead(AUDIO); // 0-1023
    data[i] = (char)(val/4 - 128); // store as char
    im[i] = 0; // init all as 0

  // run FFT
  fix_fft(data, im, 7, 0);

  // extract absolute value of data only, for 64 results
  for(i = 0; i < SAMPLES/2; i++)
    barht[i] = (int)sqrt(data[i] * data[i] + im[i] * im[i]);
  for(i = 0, j = 0; i < SAMPLES/2; i++, j += 2)
    barht[i] = barht[j] + barht[j + 1];
  // display barchart
  barchart(SAMPLES/4, barht); // plot SAMPLES / 4 = 32 as barchart gen cannot handle 128 bars

// plot line and bar at position and height
void barchart(int n, int bh[])
  int i, s, w; // bars, spacing and width
  s = (LINEXR - LINEXL) / n;
  w = s / 2;
    lcd.drawStr(20, 10, "FFT Audio Spectrum");
    lcd.drawLine(LINEXL, LINEY, LINEXR, LINEY);
    lcd.drawStr(0, LINEY + 10, "0");
    lcd.drawStr(29, LINEY + 10, "1k");
    lcd.drawStr(59, LINEY + 10, "2k");
    lcd.drawStr(91, LINEY + 10, "3k");
    lcd.drawStr(115, LINEY + 10, "Hz");
    for(i = 0; i < n; i++)
      lcd.drawBox(LINEXL + s * i, LINEY - bh[i], w, bh[i] + 1); // u8glib doesn't accept box height of 0

Improvements can be made by directly programming the Arduino Uno ADC converter, rather than relying on the call to analogRead(). This would give a faster esponse and a wider bandwidth.

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